Please remember how are my Terms of use of this siggies and of course please remember respect them.
I have the right to say I don't want to make a siggie to the person that do not respect my terms. So please be careful about where you use the siggie and how you do it.
1.- Always link back to my site: when you use my siggies.
2.- My siggies are for Personal Use only, so you may not open the siggies in any program or change anything on them. If you alter one of my siggies and I know this, I will not do any other siggie to you.
3.- My siggies may be use in mails, to decorate your web sites, or may be use as forum siggies, but remember a link back to my site is always required.
4.- I know there are so many forums in the WWW, and you will use them on this forums, I know is difficult could control who use the siggies and where, but please, I could see a lot of them and know that a lot of times my siggies has been stolen and modified for web thiefs, so please be careful about where you use my siggies. That is why I do my signatures one by one and I know exactly how many siggies I made and for who.
5.- Do not stole anything here, all is mine, and you don't need do it, please you just have to request and I will do one for you. Always respect my things, my designs and my rights.